Sunday, August 06, 2006

El Vado Turned Rio

Here in the region of the Laguna, there is a dry riverbed that divides the two largest cities of this metroplex, Torreón and Gómez Palacio. The call a dry riverbed "un vado", and my guess is that this comes from the Arabic word "wadi" for a dry riverbed. The bed of the Rio Nazas is quiet wide, and soccer fields and basketball courts have been developed side-by-side along the length of the vast area.

Several months ago I saw a large photo at Mc Donalds of the Rio Nazas full of running water. They say this happens once every 40 years or so. Since that day I have said with a prophetic tone that I would see that day come soon when water would flow in that river.

Well, I am here to tell you that that dry sand is soaked from the recent rains and water is standing throughout parts of the no-longer dry river bed! I praise God for the abundant rain he has sent to this region.

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